Musings mostly about our family, particularly our college-age daughter and our junior-high-year-old twins with some business and cooking and other observations thrown in... Copyright 1999-2012 by Ed Kmetz.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

A day of skiing on glass


Checking in with a late-nite note after falling asleep in The Chair for a while. Had to record this awesome day for posterity.

Had a bright/early departure for a noteworthy day of water skiing with Fred/Donna. Took the kiddies and a friend from my bidness networking group, Jason. It was Jason's first time, so we were all pretty psyched about that.

Conditions were P E R F E C T. Certainly the best conditions I've ever skiied in. We were in position by about 09:40, and at that time of the day with no wind, a near-glass surface, and nary a competing boat to be had, it was just swish swish swish. This was three feet of trackless Utah powder, but add 60 degrees and move it to the water.

Donna (daughter Donna) is now skiing on one ski, and she launched just fine, pretty much routine at this point. Great accomplishment for her, since it takes many/most people (it certainly took me) many, many attempts to get up on one ski. She was up on one her second weekend of trying... sheez. Kate/Jay are now both up on two skis. Fred and I both do one ski, of course, but Fred is much better at it than me. I'm still working to get nice fans of water on those cuts across the wake. Fred is a pro, makes it look easy, and believe me, it ain't. Jason owns a gym, and expected to snap right out of the water, NO problem. He didn't think that for long... He did manage to get up on two skis for a bit after the obligatory many attempts, much water up the nose, down the throat, and in the ears. I think he's going to be a sore puppy at the gym tomorrow.

Karen will be off WORK next weekend, so we should have a full boat once again, Mom Nature permitting...

Anyway, that's the news flash from here... definitely gotta go night-night. A tip of the cap to Fred/Donna for yet another awesome day on the water, the awesomest.


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