Musings mostly about our family, particularly our college-age daughter and our junior-high-year-old twins with some business and cooking and other observations thrown in... Copyright 1999-2012 by Ed Kmetz.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I hate flies

Copyright 2010 Ed Kmetz

I hate flies. 
 I hate flies.
Annoying little things
I wanna make them dies
With their buzzy little wings
And their compound eyes.

They fly around in circles
They fly around in squares
I want to take their little bods
And throw them down the stairs I hate flies

I hate flies

They lick their legs
Cleaning off their cilia
A breeding ground it is 
Of awful bacteria

Musca Domestica
I wish I never heard a ya
Take your filthy feet
And go to Florida I hate flies

I hate flies

Disgust abounds
Anywhere they land
In your hair, on your arm
Or even in your hand

They think they’re really quick
And often that is so
But sometimes they get sluggish
Over by the window I hate flies

I hate flies

Suck ‘em in a vacuum
Blast ‘em with a swatter
Nuke those filthy flies
Then wash with soap n water

When all the flies are gone
And we can rest easy
Open up those windows
Enjoy the big breezy I hate flies

I hate flies

They see the end a’comin’
A thousand different ways
The swatter coming down



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