Musings mostly about our family, particularly our college-age daughter and our junior-high-year-old twins with some business and cooking and other observations thrown in... Copyright 1999-2012 by Ed Kmetz.

Monday, October 26, 2009

France, France, France

Well here we are, and Donna's in France... lovin' it! by most accounts. She's in Marseille for a couple weeks (a two-week break from the grueling French high school schedule of 6 or so hours a few days, a few hours other days and a 2-hr. break for lunch every day (half days Wednesday!)).

Getting to this point wasn't completely easy, but not as bad as we predicted.

Put her on the airplane right on schedule Aug 25. Bye Bye Hug Hug Snot Tears Snot Tears Hug Hug. She walked down that BIG WIDE departure corridor at the airport without looking back. We hung in the parking lot until her plane took off and made a right turn for Europe.

She cried much of the way across the Atlantic.

She did call once she arrived, after only minor drama with the pickup on the other side. Something about in France they have one family that is the "airport family" who then shuttles the kid to their home. Then the host family meets the airport family at the airport family's home, and does a kid transfer. It works well, evidently... it is just all news to the kid who's wondering who these strangers are and where they're taking her.

Got there, got settled into her new school. She apparently has a batch of super nice kids as new friends, and she's busy on Facebook pretty much daily keeping in touch with the kids from the good ol' USA.

So she's been in Tours for, can we believe it, two months as of today.



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